Monday, 26 December 2022

Sticking to Resolutions

 We're leaving December 2022...

January 1st is the start of a new adventure, or at least that's what they say. As an introverted romance author who is happiest at home, my adventures will probably happen on the page and in the paranormal romance stories I write. 

I do like to set some New Year Resolutions. 

The flaw with resolutions is that they're tough to stick to long-term. In fact, only 40% manage to maintain their resolutions beyond 6 months.

My New Year's Resolutions tend to be focussed on being less lazy, writing more, and working harder, but I like a refresh, and day one of a new year is a good time to start. The question is, what's the best way to maintain your willpower?

Choose the Best Goals

The place a lot of people go wrong is setting a lot of different goals. Taking on too much can be overwhelming, which means the easiest way is to form new habits. Be specific with what you want and plan the steps to achieve it. 

This leads to the next step...

Plan Plan Plan

Write down your goal and brainstorm how to achieve it. Make lists, prepare for obstacles that might block your path, plan ahead. Know what you want. 

Start Small

Don't jump in at the deep end. That's what your steps are for. You build to the end achievement. You might feel like it's going slowly, but that's what progress is. You're not planning on being an overnight success. You'll have to put the work in. 


Deadlines can help, but they come with their own downfalls. If you're going to be disheartened when you miss one then they might not be worth it. Give yourself a contingency plan and figure out how you'll proceed even when you feel it's not going as quickly as you want. 

Keep it Fresh

Don't keep trying to achieve the same goal. You're already starting for a low point if it's something you've failed at. Make enough changes to the New Year Resolution that it truly is a fresh start. 

Be Patient

This a process and that means it won't be an instant success. There will be setbacks and missteps. It might not happen as quickly as you want, but keep your spirit, keep planning, prepare for anything, and try your best. 

On Your Way...

Now you have the basic tools to get going. All you need is to figure out what your New Year's Resolution is going to be. I'm making it easy on myself. My first one is to publish my book, which is almost ready to go. 

Keep an eye out for book extras and updates, and if you like what you read here, take a look around and read some of my other articles.  



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