Sunday, 6 November 2022

Writing the Blurb

My book in summary...

I love writing. I've loved it since I was a little girl. One of the things that's changed over the years is what I write.  As a romance author my stories have got a wee bit sexier, but that's what paranormal romance is about. 

And one of the things I don't love about writing is the synopsis and the blurb. 

When it comes to writing the blurb, I've discovered I find it so much easier to write it before I write the story. It gives me an idea of what's coming and a general outline to follow. It also means I won't get bogged down by all the things I've written. 

Writing a Paranormal Romance Blurb

Somethings I like to include when I write a blurb are:

A Tag Line

Just one line that leads into the blurb and grabs attention. It can be an intro or something from your book, but one thing it must do is grab attention. 

Your Plot

Seems like a given, I know, but your plot needs to summaries in about 150 words. What is the conflict? What are the obstacles? What is your book about?


Another one that goes without saying. You need to tell readers who these things are going to happen to. Who your characters are

Before I Write...

The fact that you have to put thought into those things for a blurb is why I write the blurb first. Once I have the story idea, the blurb helps me build the story, creating my paranormal romance and once the blurb is complete, I can flesh out a full outline. 

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