Sunday, 6 September 2020

Loving #PitMad

A few days ago, I was scanning Twitter reading and loving all the pitches for #PitMad and wishing I had finished my book so I could have been a part of it. I'd have loved to have joined in. 

Unfortunately, my book is still in progress. I'm at the 50,000 word mark with no end in sight. It was supposed to be that length at completion but apparently my characters are little chatter boxes with too much to say. 

#PitMad was still fun to follow though. The goal is to write pitches for your book within 280 characters using hashtags to draw the right publishers and agents to your book. You post your pitch on twitter and get involved in the amazing writing community, all supporting and helping each other to reach out. 

Like I said, though, my book isn't finished so I was little more than an observer. It was still great to see how much support is out there among all the writers. 

Maybe I'll be ready to join in for the December round of #PitMad. I just gave myself a goal. 

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