Saturday, 29 August 2020

Writing Through a Cold

 Pass me the whisky! I've got a cold! (And only a cold.)

I want soup, I want many cups of tea, I want hot toddies, I want thick duvets and I want to binge watch box sets. And then I'll be up to doing some writing.

I'm staying in my pjs until this passes. I feel awful - I look worse - but luckily writing is a solitary thing so nobody is here to see my greasy hair, pale face and red nose.

To be honest, the challenge with writing hasn't come from not feeling up to it. The challenge is coming from lack of peace and quiet in the house. Who knew that feeling ill would be the least of my problems this weekend.

All teamed together; the chaos, the crappiness of being poorly, and the people in the house not giving me a moment to myself has put me in a foul mood, which isn't the best temperament for writing romance.

That's the thing with being a writer though. Grumpiness and illness don't stop you from getting words down on the screen. You might not feel like it, but as with any job, you don't get to say, 'I just don't want to.' Not if you want to finish the WIP!

Still, with the help of my trusty earphones, my cups of tea and my comfy pjs, I'll power through and continue on this shifter romance that I'm currently writing.


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