Thursday, 25 April 2024


My first book River’s Heart is the first of The Shadow Coven series. It’s series about a cursed coven who have finally found the goddesses forgiveness and now they’re finding their mates.

Wicca and magic is a major theme of the series and with Beltane upon us, let’s take a look at exactly what it is.

What is Beltane?

There are eight sabbats in the Wiccan religion and Beltane is one of four fire festivals throughout the year. The others are Imbolc, Lammas, and Samhain.

Given that Beltane and Samhain are opposites of each other, with Beltane celebrating life when Samhain honours death, you might be surprised to know that they actually have some things in common. It’s during these two holidays where the veil between life and death are thinnest, and both mark a change in the year.

Beltane, however, takes us from a long winter and into a blooming summer.

We get longer and brighter days and the earth flourishes with blossoms, leaves and natural magic. We see the start of the summer farming season. We celebrate purity and protection. We find new life.

More interesting to an erotic romance writer, though, is this season of fertility and passion. Hell, it’s the season of lust.

You’ll probably be invited to more weddings as we enter this time of year, or if you have Wiccan friends, handfastings. It’s a sabbat full of sensuality and sexual energy.

In fact, some people will encourage you to have a little sexy time in your garden. Just try not to shock the neighbours.

When is Beltane?

Beltane takes place between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, It’s traditionally held on the 1st of May.

 Decorate Your Altar.

When it comes to decorating your altar, think about the colours of spring. Greens, yellows and blues. You want lush colours. Colours of the flowers, of the grass and of the sky, and you can use them for your altar cloth or your candles.

Frankincense and rose are good choices for your oils or incense, and when choosing gemstones, consider rose quartz, fire agate or aventurine.  

You can add a bouquet of spring flowers to your altar. Daffodils, daisies, tulips, dandelions, lavender. Include peppermint and rosemary too.

Beltane is one of the four fire festivals, but it might not be easy for you to include a bonfire in your ritual. An alternative is to represent the element on your altar. You can do this with candles, with a small caldron filled with yellow and orange items to imitate flames. Even paper will work for this. Another option is to simply use images of fires. Whatever works for you.

Other symbols for your ritual include May baskets, floral crowns, chalices, antlers, honey and oats, and fruits like cherries and pomegranate.

How to Celebrate.

Dance around a bonfire, weave around a maypole: there are many ways to celebrate this festival.

Easiest methods are to make May baskets, or you can wash your face in the morning dew, decorate your garden bush with ribbons, The most simple and natural way to show your appreciation for Beltane is to go outside. Spend some time outdoors. It’s as easy as that.

A Fertile Earth

In wiccan mythology, Beltane is the time of the year when the goddess and god came together to fertilise the earth, and because of this, the world bursts with new life. Celebrate by sharing mead and cake with your family. Make the most of this time of love and passion.

 If witch romance is your thing then River’s Heart is just the beginning of The Shadow Coven series, and if you enjoyed reading this article then you can read more like it on this blog.



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