Friday, 19 May 2023

Between (Writing) Jobs

 One book finished... Another to start.

Protecting Their Heart is officially released, and I've been on a bit of vaycay before getting back to writing. Even a romance writer needs a break. 

Now, though, the break is over. Time to work. Time to write that book. 

It's been quite a rest period, and I admit that there have been feelings of guilt. So how long is too long when you stop writing? I felt justified when I decided to spend some time on other hobbies, reading books, and binge-watching boxsets, after all, I don't take time off at Christmas. I just keep writing.

Now I'm getting back to it, I feel like I've taken too much time. If I hadn't had that break, think how far through my first draft I would be...

Is It Okay to Rest?

Heck, yeah. When you work a day job, as I do alongside writing, you get annual leave. You get vacation days. Because burnout is a real thing. 

You might still think about your project and that's okay, but it's also okay if you don't.

Take a break because it's been proven that those who take time off are more productive, and happier. 

Warning Signs 

How do you know it's time to take a rest? Look out for these feelings:

Writer's Block

Sure, maybe you can push through writer's block. Maybe you just need to take a walk, read something else, switch to longhand. But maybe it goes deeper. If you're stuck, deeply stuck, then don't be afraid to take some time for yourself. 


This could be the border of burnout. If you can't face sitting down at the screen and getting words down, if you're looking for a way to avoid it, then it won't benefit you to force yourself. All you're doing is increasing that fatigue. 

If dread accompanies your writing then you're doing something wrong. It doesn't have to be fun every second, and it doesn't have to be easy, but you should want to do it. It should be important in the moment. You should still love being a writer. 

You Just Don't Want To

I love writing. The stories I'm plotting and planning always play in my brain, so if I don't want to do it at all, then that means there's more wrong than a lack of motivation. This isn't the same thing as being stuck on a scene, or a part of your book not being as fun to write as another. This is when there's no will at all. 

Something More Important 

Writing can't always be your first priority. It's not possible. We're adults, and we have other responsibilities. Whether that be a day job, a family, or something else... If you have something in your life that needs to be resolved first or put before your book... Writing will still be there. It will wait for you. 

How to Take a Break

I have a lot of hobbies and many things that I like to do, but most of all, my favourite thing is books books books. After all, it's why I'm a writer. So, if I have time to spare, I'm going to spend a chunk of it reading. 

I'm also going to watch TV. It's the perfect opportunity to catch up on shows you've always wanted to watch but never had the time. Binge-watch, baby. It's what streaming services are for!

There are a thousand things you can do. Go outside, get exercise, eat out, eat lots, see your friends, meditate, go dancing, drink cocktails, paint, draw, skate, ski. There are so many things in the world to do. There's no way that you won't find something you love. 

Romance Writer Clocking In

All vacations must come to an end, and mine has reached that point. That's not a bad thing. As I've already said, I love writing, and the story ideas and scenes don't stop coming because I'm doing something else. 

I've got so many stories I want to tell, and I can't wait to share them. To meet new characters, and find out what happens to them. To develop old characters and learn new things about them. 

Protecting Their Heart is on sale, but I have plenty to be getting on with. After all, the books to be written by a romance writer never ends. There's always writing to be done.  

If you enjoyed reading this blog then feel free to read some of my others, or take a look around my website and learn about my books and book extras

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