Friday, 1 April 2022

April Fool's: Not For Me

Today is April Fool’s Day! I should probably play a prank on you but I’m not going to.

As someone who was bullied at school, pranks aren’t something I’m ever a fan off. I’ve had a lot of cruel tricks played on me that were passed off as a joke, meaning if I didn’t laugh along with them, then I was uptight or miserable.


But what’s so funny about humiliating someone or making them look like a fool? Is there anyone who really enjoys April Fool’s Day?


I’m not here to rain on anyone’s parade. If you’re in a social circle where this is something you like, then sure, go nuts, prank your friends, but otherwise my one piece of advice is to think before you trick.


Don’t go into it blindly, thinking that everyone will find it hilarious. Are you doing it for the right reason or is your motive a little meaner than you realise? Can the target of your prank handle everyone laughing at them or are you just tearing someone down who is already low. Are you in the right environment for the type of April Fool’s jest you’re planning?


Just think about it first. There was a time in my life where someone playing an April Fool’s joke on me would have torn me down, and even now I suspect I would wonder why the person chose me to trick? Because they don’t like me or because they think I’m fun?


Like I said, I’m no there to destroy the parts of the day people find fun. I’m just here to advise that you make sure you’re all on the same page.

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