Sunday, 25 July 2021

This Book Won't End


I feel like I've been working on my current WIP forever. 

My shifter romance, the first book of the Acalia series, and the characters don't want to wrap things up. I reached 60,000 words and didn't feel very far along, and now even even further into it and the word count keeps growing. 

How do you make your characters sort things out when they just want to keep gong on? If anyone learns, could you tell me, because if not, Protecting Their Heart may never end. 

I think what could help would be if I could go somewhere with no internet and no people, and just a typewriter. Unfortunately, in real life, I have a day job, I have responsibilities and I have to work around those things. 

Trying to find time to write is hard enough, but when its for a book that won't reach it's end, sometimes it feels futile. 

This book has to end though, even if it's so I can find out what will happen to my characters myself. I need my characters to reach their resolution. 

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