Wednesday, 23 September 2020

The Slump


I've hit the 50,000 word slump.

In my current Work In Progress, I've reached that milestone, but knowing how much story there is still left to tell, and how many words I've used so far, the motivation has started to fade.

It seems like this book is going to finish up at a bajillion words long. Which mean it will be slightly less than a bajillion pages! That's too many. It was supposed to be a reasonable size.

So, the way it's spiralled out of control has thrown me into the doldrums. I have no idea how long this book will be because it feels like it's barely got going yet, but hell, it's either going to take some drastic editing, or maybe I'll just be giving a lot of book for the money.

Either way, the end feels like a long way off.

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