Monday, 4 November 2024

Author Update

 Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go.
–William Feather
I want to write an update about what I've been doing and where I've been, but if I'm being honest, there isn't much to say. I've been persevering with romance writing, but life is stubborn and continually gets in the way. It means there isn't much to say, but I'll try. 

Plot Bunnies: A War

I have a work list. I know which books I'm working on now and which ones I'll be working on next, and I give myself a strict rule that I don't deviate from the list. But for some reason, ideas keep flying at me, and I really want to develop them. 

But I've been good, so far. I've stuck to the list of romance books that I'm meant to. I merely write the notes so I don't forget them and try to move on. One though, has snuck through the barrier and made its way to the list. 

A menage story, contemporary - not paranormal for a change. That one is now in development too. 

The Shadow Coven

Martha Martha Martha. Her story is progressing, but I admit, it is progressing slower than I would like. There are a couple of side projects that are taking some time, but Martha's story will be complete early next year. 

Lunar Falls

One of the projects that is drawing focus is a short novella in the Lunar Falls series, but because my novellas never actually end up short, it means it will take a little longer than I planned. And this story is being written before Martha. I thought that was a good idea back when I thought it would be short. 

The Year is Ending

Farewell, 2024. We've less than two months left of the year and then we get to start on page one again. I love a new year. It always feels like a fresh start and with the amount of work I've achieved this year, I need that fresh start. Hopefully next year, I will have more books published. 

There were a lot of drastic life changes for me this year, and while they were good things, it means I'm having to figure out a new balance. 2025 seems like the year for that.

If you want to stay updated on my goings on, visit my website where there are links to my social medias. 

Meet Alice, Liam and Noah

 I'm working on an instalment for the Lunar Falls series. I'm trying to keep it short because it's an extra little story I hadn...