Thursday, 11 March 2021

Writing. Not Marketing.


Last year I did a lot of work on my website, my blog and my social media. I regret that now.

I spent many many hours writing blogs, planning posts and generally trying to interact with other people. The impact that had on book sales was zero.

I’m a writer, and somewhere along the way, that shifted, and I felt like I was working more in marketing. The repercussions of that were that I wrote less, I published less. I missed out on doing what I love doing, and that is just writing stories. It was my own fault. I thought it was important to being a writer.

Don’t get me wrong. I like social media for engaging with others, but last year, I think I looked at it wrong. I concentrated on it too much, to the detriment of my writing, and that meant that word counts and completed works took a hit.

I’m doing it differently this year. This year I’ve decided to concentrate on writing more. Not because I think marketing isn’t important, but at the end of the day, you can’t market what you haven’t written, and I write because I love it. Because I want to share my stories with others, even if that story is only shared with a few people.

I appreciate each and every person who takes a chance on me by buying my books, and downloading my stories, and so this year, I want to get more of them out there.

I still want to engage, I still want to talk to others, but I want to do it so that I can share with you. I want social media to be fun.

This is my year of writing. Not my year of marketing. I am a writer after all.


Fresh Start

 Christmas is over. New year is coming! My search for an organised life is underway. My first step was to identify which part of my life to ...