Sunday, 22 November 2020

I'm Christmas Ready

My Christmas excitement is getting out of hand!

All my Christmas shopping is done, I've got a new Christmas tree, new decorations, and they're ready to go up. I've got a Christmas story planned for The Shadow Coven series, (just as soon as I post the Bonfire Night one.) 

I've got eight days before I get to start wearing my Christmas jumpers and t-shirts at work, and eight days until advent. Not going to lie, I have about four advent calendars. 

I've got lots of plans for baking and cooking Christmas goodies. 

I am very very excited. 

I'm also excited for the new year. Not because I have plans, I'll more than likely be working on New Year's Day, but I'm looking forward to starting 2021. I know there's no promise that next year will be any better than this one, but there's always the potential for it to be. 

There's always the hope. 

I'm ready for the fresh start that comes with January 1st. The first page of my 365 day story. 

Friday, 6 November 2020

Happy Bonfire Night


In keeping with the disaster that is 2020, Bonfire Night has fallen on the first day of the second lockdown in England. Or, I should say, the lockdown has fallen on Bonfire Night.

That ruins a lot of plans for people, but fortunately not for me, as the only thing I had planned was to finish and share a short story from The Shadow Coven world.

As it is, that story is not finished on time. I deliberately didn't share what I was doing because things have been chaotic lately at home, and it has distracted me from writing as much as I would like to, but even so, it doesn't sit well with me to miss a deadline that I had scheduled, even if only in my mind.

Writing is an important part of my life, I think I've said that before, and when I can't do it as often as I would like to, it grates on my nerves, but hopefully after today, I can get back to some semblance of a regular writing schedule and get back on track.

My priority is to finish the SC short story and share it as quickly as possible.

And for everyone who had their bonfire plans cancelled, I hope you still manage to have a fun night!

Meet Alice, Liam and Noah

 I'm working on an instalment for the Lunar Falls series. I'm trying to keep it short because it's an extra little story I hadn...